ISW: Rain Haults Bloomington Action

BLOOMINGTON, IN -RIS- Rain again cut short “Indiana Sprint Week” action as the heavens opened up and drenched Bloomington Speedway just as the B feature was ending. No announcement was made other than the promise of an announcement at 2pm Saturday.

Due to qualifying points Brady Bacon has overtaken Robert Ballou in the sprint week title chase.

Tracy Hines is taking a rest after last Sunday's flip at Lawrenceburg where he fractured a rib.

Saturday the series continues at Haubstadt where the series may or may not conclude according to the decision on Bloomington.


AMSOIL USAC NATIONAL SPRINT CAR RACE RESULTS: July 17, 2015 - Bloomington, Indiana - Bloomington Speedway - 28th "Indiana Sprint Week"

      QUALIFICATIONS: 1. Brady Bacon, 69, Dynamics-10.854; 2. Chase Stockon, 32, 32TBI-10.860; 3. Kevin Thomas Jr., 17RW, Dutcher-10.938; 4. Justin Grant, 5, Baldwin-10.985; 5. Chris Windom, 21x, Pollock-10.998; 6. Robert Ballou, 12, Ballou-10.998; 7. Tyler Courtney, 4, THR/Eberhardt-11.010; 8. Aaron Farney, 15F, Farney-11.017; 9. Josh Hodges, 74x, Hodges-11.049; 10. Dave Darland, 71p, Phillips/Curb-Agajanian-11.057; 11. Chad Boespflug, 66, Amati-11.066; 12. C.J. Leary, 30, Leary-11.084; 13. Jerry Coons Jr., 10E, Edison-11.114; 14. Dakota Jackson, 3, Jackson-11.120; 15. Brent Beauchamp, 34, Olson-11.127; 16. Lee Dakus, 75, Dakus-11.151; 17. Thomas Meseraull, 39, Goodnight-11.153; 18. Jon Stanbrough, 81, Stanbrough-11.157; 19. Jake Swanson, 92, Sertich-11.175; 20. Hunter Schuerenberg, 2E, Epperson-11.209; 21. Casey Shuman, 2x, Barnhill-11.232; 22. Brady Short, 11p, Pottorff-11.249; 23. Carson Short, 21, Short-11.260; 24. Shane Cottle, 57, Hazen-11.263; 25. Nick Bilbee, 17N, Bilbee-11.311; 26. Scotty Weir, 11, Walker-11.321; 27. Max McGhee, 17, McGhee-11.324; 28. Jarett Andretti, 18, Andretti-11.327; 29. Jeff Bland, 04, Burton-11.353; 30. Chris Babcock, 35, Babcock-11.370; 31. Logan Jarrett, 29, Jarrett-11.372; 32. Kyle Wissmiller, 3x, Simmons-11.450; 33. Shelby VanGilder, 22V, VanGilder-11.499; 34. Kent Christian, 1c, Christian-11.569; 35. Robert Bell, 71, Bell-12.071; 36. Clyde Knipp, 13, Korte-NT; 37. Landon Simon, 24, LSR-NT.

      FIRST HEAT: (10 laps) 1. Meseraull, 2. Coons, 3. Windom, 4. Shuman, 5. Bilbee, 6. Bacon, 7. Hodges, 8. VanGilder, 9. Bland. NT

      SECOND HEAT: (10 laps) 1. B.Short, 2. Stanbrough, 3. Jackson, 4. Stockon, 5. Ballou, 6. Darland, 7. Weir, 8. Christian, 9. Babcock. NT

      THIRD HEAT: (10 laps) 1. Boespflug, 2. Beauchamp, 3. C.Short, 4. Thomas, 5. McGhee, 6. Courtney, 7. Swanson, 8. Jarrett, 9 .Bell. NT

      FOURTH HEAT: (10 laps) 1. Cottle, 2. Grant, 3. Leary, 4. Farney, 5. Schuerenberg, 6. Knipp, 7. Dakus, 8. Andretti, 9. K.Wissmiller. NT

      SEMI: (12 laps) 1. Ballou, 2. Bacon, 3. Darland, 4. Hodges, 5. Schuerenberg, 6. Courtney, 7. McGhee, 8. Weir, 9. Bland, 10. Babcock, 11. Christian, 12. K.Wissmiller, 13. Swanson, 14. Knipp, 15. VanGilder, 16. Andretti, 17. Jarrett, 18. Bilbee, 19. Bell, 20. Dakus. NT

      FEATURE EVENT RAINED OUT (Postponed with an announcement regarding the feature status to be made at 2 pm Saturday)


**Simon flipped during qualifying. Babcock flipped during the second heat. Dakus flipped during the fourth heat. Bilbee flipped during the semi.


NEW AMSOIL NATIONAL SPRINT POINTS: 1-Ballou-1,214, 2-Stockon-1,168, 3-Darland-1,156, 4-Bacon-1,084, 5-Stanbrough-1,062, 6-Thomas-1,001, 7-Tracy Hines-818, 8-Leary-790, 9-Windom-727, 10-Farney-706. (Pending completion of Bloomington program)

NEW INDIANA SPRINT WEEK POINTS: 1-Bacon-252, 2-Ballou-249, 3-Thomas-224, 4-Darland-215, 5-Schuerenberg-214, 6-Stanbrough-189, 7-Coons-179, 8-Boespflug-171, 9-Windom-166, 10-Weir-156.

NEXT AMSOIL NATIONAL SPRINT RACE: July 18 - Haubstadt, IN - Tri-State Speedway - 28th "Indiana Sprint Week"

Results Courtesy USAC

Ed Hollowell

Reporter for RIS since 1996. Photo since 2002.

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Volume 2015, Issue 7, Posted 10:45 AM, 07.18.2015