Oval Nationals 2011 Finals
2011 Oval Nationals finals. This does not include the flip sequence involving Richard Vanderweerd and Brady Bacon. That will be in it's own Photo Blog.
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Cory Kruseman qualifies.
Ray Potter Qualifies with something extra. Notice the traffic pylon on the left side of his car.
Rip Williams does his best. His son Austin had headed to the hospital with a sholder injury shortly before.
Rickie Gaunt not so 'Super". He missed the feature.
Troy Rutherford looks good after running 360 sprints for a few years.
Dave Darland in the Cheney car.
Gaunt and Jimmy Oskie turn tribute laps for Don Blair, long time racer and hotrodder.
Kyle Larson finally made the feature after failing for two previous events.
Damion Gardner starts on the outside of the front row.
Levi Jones on the pole.
Bob and Bobby East discuss how to repair a bent torsion bar tube.
Damion Gardner wins second Oval Nationals.
Mysterious chunk missing from Gardner's right rear tire.
Damion and crew on the podium.
Mike Spencer and sponsors of the Don Weaver Trophy Dash which he had just won.
Richard Vanderweerd lands on his tail after flip in heat. See the whole flip sequence in a seperate photo blog.